Monday, April 4, 2011

The Fruit Barn and a Goal Extravaganza

Although I have been in Australia 2 months, I am just beginning to discover some of the benefits of living in a tropical climate. In the past two weeks my roommates and I have been enjoying the overwhelming selection of fresh, in season fruit that we can find at local produce stores. Fresh watermelons (49 cents a kg), pineapples (2 for $5), pears, and any number of other fruits have become a staple of every meal, as well as a source of pride amongst the roommates for who can produce the best looking selection. I have been mowing down 2 pineapples a week, and the only problem with the fruit selection down here has been the insane price of bananas ($12 a kg) because the crop got wiped out in the floods. I love having such a great selection of fresh fruit readily available from fruit stands close by.

Although my love of food is well documented what I have been enjoying the turn of the seasons from summer to fall even more, (although there is hardly a difference) the weather has been absolutely perfect. The high everyday hovers in the low 80’s, making everyday activities much more enjoyable. The mornings and evenings are cool, a long sleeve t-shirt is enough to take in the sunrise or enjoy the great view we have of the southern stars from our back yard. I have been enjoying both of these frequently, especially a good jog at sunrise. It is a quick 10 minute drive out to the ocean to watch the sunrise, and because of the low tide there is a sand bar that runs from the shore out to a small island about 1 km out into the ocean (pictured above), what is really cool about this is the sand bar cuts a perfect trail through the water right out to the island. It was hard to motivate myself to get up early enough to take in the sunrise but the discovery of this run is making it so much easier. That, and I have recently been enjoying the benefits of iced coffee, the world seems so much brighter with a little coffee in my system.

However, everything else that takes up my time is made better by Wolves continued run of good form in the early stages of the league. We won our last two games against University of Queensland and Taringa 2-0 and 11-1 respectively. University gave us a very good game making it difficult for us to play by competing with us better than any team has so far. The Taringa game was different altogether, they actually scored the first goal, against the run of play, and they were ecstatic after scoring but we quickly responded and put the game out of reach, we really could have ended up scoring 20. Needless to say that result, combined with our other 4 victories, is turning a lot of heads. Our upcoming game against Olympic, one of the traditional powers in our league, is an absolutely massive fixture for us. We are looking forward to having a good week of training to take us into the game ready to go and continue our fine form.

Highlights from our last two games can be found at (Taringa) and (University), and I think that the game this weekend will be taped again so highlights should be available, and I’ll be checking in to see if the game can be found streamed live as well.

Hope all is well back home!


  1. I can't believe you're drinking coffee. Who are you and what have you done with my brother? You should send some of that fruit this way. Good luck today.

  2. Is your step lighter when you drink coffee too? Ha ha. Good luck Saturday. Or today for you I guess.

  3. Patrick i love reading these and thanks for writing! I, too, am shocked by the coffee and I am so happy that you are taking the opportunity to explore and go on all the adventures that you are. At the same time, I am almost ready for you to come home- cause I will be home in a month and I reckon it's gonna be a little bit different without you there to ride bikes with me everyday :( I am so happy for you but miss you a whole lot. Keep playin hard and can't wait to hear from you!
